Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bead 382

Today was a pretty beautiful day
we tried a few yard sales and got a few small things and went to a Yarn Sale to get my drug of choice......

I had a wonderful time spending a majority of the day hanging out with my family and making plans to reconnect with good friends.
        The only bad part of the day was a person saying some ugly things to me, but luckily its over it and I am going to let it go forever, I don't need that drama an I don't need people taking advantage of my kind nature. The person knew how to manipulate me and that made it hurt all the more, but it is okay I did my best and was the kindest person I could be, that is all that counts.
       I'm tired right now and a bit eerily calm about the upcoming school year, I know I am always worried but now I'm kind of worried about not being worried....weird I know but  still....all I want to do is try my best and be as brave as I possibly can. unfortunately I always have a slight melancholy air about me that I can never quite shake off, I'm happy for the most part and loved by the people who deserve to love me as much as I love them; but I'm scared a little bit ALL THE TIME. But I have made it thus far and will make it through this time too.
      Today's bead is made with some camel fibers that I got today at the sale, it is so wonderfully soft and beautiful. perfect choice for the parts of the day I choose to remember .
life is better when you take the good with the bad,but choose to remember the good far more then the bad, have a lovely tomorrow and thanks for being here today.

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