Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bead 403

Health-wise today was quite a struggle, I haven't been feeling very well lately but today it just seemed to escalate to even worse points then It has been in a while, I'm nauseous, have a splitting head ache, stomach cramps, vertigo and all around feeling of ickyness. I am not amused nor thrilled with my body as of right now, but I did manage to get quite a big amount of things accomplished despite all of these issues. 1 good estate sale, art supply shopping yet again even though I didn't get anything on my original list beacause the store I desided to go to didn't have good enough quality stuff ( or good quality staff frankly...) but atleast I got things in preperation for the fair and had a little fun shopping. The rest of the day was occupided with fair stuff prep, and trying not to die of whatever is going on with me.
a blue bead with one of the tiny objects that I got today at the estate sale.


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