Monday, December 31, 2012
Bead 517 Rest in Peace Peanutbutter
Early this morning our rabbit Peanutbutter passed away in his sleep. This last winter had been very tough on him and unfortunately he didn't have the strength to keep going, yesterday we knew in a way that we were nearing the end. We made him as comfortable as possible and I held, fed (him mainly treats and a banana one of his favorite foods), and was able to say my goodbyes to him for most of the day. It hurt allot but I at least can take solace that he didn't suffer and was well loved by everyone in the family. I miss him terribly but am glad that he isn't sick anymore. today was horridly long and made worse by me forgetting that he wasn't here about every half hour.
I know in my heart it is better this way but still am struggling with him not being here.
Pb bead
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Bead 516
Difficult day both physically and emotionally. Can't shake whatever illness I've managed to get and it seems to just escalate in the morning then fluctuate off and on throughout the day. also some heartache too...
just blegh bead today.
just blegh bead today.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Bead 515
Nice day despite me getting a little bit worse illness wise! spent the morning bundled up at home, mid afternoon and lunch hanging out with neighbors, munching on pizza and exchanging gifts.After we returned to our house and recovered from the journey over there (need I remind you that we are just next door from one another, but we are all sick-ish so egh I guess we had an excuse) then mama and I went to go visit and exchange gifts with my sister and big bro, It was really fun despite not being able to visit long. I got great gifts and my brother and sister know me so well! I got really nice aromatherapy things and a really awesome monster mug from my bro! It ironically is my absolute favorite uglydoll so he did very very very well. ^________^
OX (the monster) colored bead today
OX (the monster) colored bead today
Friday, December 28, 2012
Bead 514 new additions!
hello happy people! I hope your Friday has been wonderful! mine has for the most part! I've been feeling a bit icky off and on all day long but I survived and had a great time despite it. Hung out at home in the morning. Went to purchase a Labbit in the afternoon, I have been wanting one for a long time now and finally had enough Christmas money left over to get him and even a light blue flocked Domo, I knew the store that I got him from only had a super limited stock and I almost didn't find my labbit...he was the very last one in stock and hidden crazy well amongst allot of other toys, I am glad that I thoroughly searched before giving up and calling it a bad day! after labbit and domo were purchased we went to the local thrift store where I found a great bundle of vintage ties 10 fabulous ties came in the bundle and ironically I love everyone of them. I also ended up saving an old suitcase from a neighbors trash pile! it was only dusty on the outside and pretty nice otherwise, already cleaned it up and started a project on it.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Bead 513
whoop! I went to the mall for the first time in a very very long time, It was kind of scary since the after Christmas rush is still on but I survived! had fun with my buddy, shared a cinnamon roll, purchased some cool new buttons and some more Adventure time memorabilia. I had a great time.
finn shirt colored bead
finn shirt colored bead
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Bead 512 Merry Christma-mas!
Yes today is Christma-mas!! well its basically a redo of Christmas since mine original one was kind of cruddy. So today was much better and filled with feast making and feast eating! not my usual spread but it will do.
-mas bead today
-mas bead today
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Bead 511
Hope you had a Great Christmas. I certainty tried to but..tried is really the key word. Unfortunate circumstances usually befall pretty much every holiday because of one individual in this households actions.....I dont' know if its on purpose or just psychologically done but it always seems to happen...but what's done is done and tomorrow is a new day. One of the many wonderful presents I got today was a new shiny tea kettle!
and since it was all to fitting that pretty much everyone in the house (including the new shiny kettle)let out some much needed steam
Tomorrow is Makeup Christmas and I plan to make a Glorious feast!
have a lovely tomorrow dearies! I sure plan to come hell or high water. guaranteed!
and since it was all to fitting that pretty much everyone in the house (including the new shiny kettle)let out some much needed steam
Tomorrow is Makeup Christmas and I plan to make a Glorious feast!
have a lovely tomorrow dearies! I sure plan to come hell or high water. guaranteed!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Bead 510
Our House is finally decorated ^_^
Thanks to mama and I, the tree is up, presents are wrapped (thanks to mama), snowflakes are made and hung (thanks to BP, Krackers and I), food was made and purchased for tomorrows feast, Christmas shirt is found! so everything is ready or insignificant enough to be finally felt like Christmas and I'm ecstatic about it
festive hat bead today..I made Octo a little one for the holidays this afternoon
Merry Christmas
Thanks to mama and I, the tree is up, presents are wrapped (thanks to mama), snowflakes are made and hung (thanks to BP, Krackers and I), food was made and purchased for tomorrows feast, Christmas shirt is found! so everything is ready or insignificant enough to be finally felt like Christmas and I'm ecstatic about it
festive hat bead today..I made Octo a little one for the holidays this afternoon
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Bead 509
cristmas tree is finally set up. I still feel sort of gross and ended up sleeping and eating way too much today. but woe is life, hopefully tommorow I will feel better and be able to decorate like the mad woman that I am.
simple christmas tree bead today.
simple christmas tree bead today.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Bead 508
its cold... like really cold.
I'm tired... like really tired.
I feel sick... like really sick.
been spending half the day in bed, a small portion shopping (NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN, I almost had a panic attack from the shear amount of people and also the stressed out, ugly spirited, just filling the air and unfortunatly a chunk of my soul also) It doesn't feel like christmas yet. I really don't care about what I get and haven't really asked for anything either, I just want it to feel like christmas and not like an obligation to be ugly like everyone seems to be acting like...well at least at stores.
white bead today, for wishes of snow and wishes for an actual christmas.
I'm tired... like really tired.
I feel sick... like really sick.
been spending half the day in bed, a small portion shopping (NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN, I almost had a panic attack from the shear amount of people and also the stressed out, ugly spirited, just filling the air and unfortunatly a chunk of my soul also) It doesn't feel like christmas yet. I really don't care about what I get and haven't really asked for anything either, I just want it to feel like christmas and not like an obligation to be ugly like everyone seems to be acting like...well at least at stores.
white bead today, for wishes of snow and wishes for an actual christmas.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Bead 507
well I'm happy to say that we are in fact alive, the world did not end and I am happy to see you alive and here.It was a difficult final day at school with my class and kids but we got through it and were slightly defeated for it but its OKAY! the kids are free, and so are we.
also I got a wonderful surprise , my snow cone came!
it ended up loosing a little bit of its water on its journey (no surprise we didn't have our usual mail woman who isn't a casserole like the dude we had today, he just plopped it on the front porch and went on his merry way....if you don't already know I love mail and am very particular on how packages are delivered to me...always to the back door to the right hand side by the little stoop) but It is still much loved!! and i fixed it, krackers ended up posing with it by accident but she still looks so adorable!
cone bead today
also I got a wonderful surprise , my snow cone came!
it ended up loosing a little bit of its water on its journey (no surprise we didn't have our usual mail woman who isn't a casserole like the dude we had today, he just plopped it on the front porch and went on his merry way....if you don't already know I love mail and am very particular on how packages are delivered to me...always to the back door to the right hand side by the little stoop) but It is still much loved!! and i fixed it, krackers ended up posing with it by accident but she still looks so adorable!
cone bead today
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Bead 506 is it the end of the world as we know it?
Hello again fellow time travelers, I hope this day has treated you well. for the most part it has been kind to me in an oh so fitting way for the eve of Armageddon.
okay I'm totally kidding but I know so many individuals that are freaking out about the world as we know it's possible demise.
but to poke fun at the "eve" its a tiny gray bead for today
okay I'm totally kidding but I know so many individuals that are freaking out about the world as we know it's possible demise.
but to poke fun at the "eve" its a tiny gray bead for today
Bead 505
No I did not fall off the face of the planet nor did I break my bead a day for over a year promise or whatever... there was an unexpected adventure that took place but I am still alive and still made yesterdays bead, yesterday. I baked in the morning adventured in the night!
hot chocolate pop-over bead today...well yesterday
hot chocolate pop-over bead today...well yesterday
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Bead 504
still was a lump today, unintentionally mama was here and I don't bake and or cook much when other people are in the house. I don't like sharing the kitchen like at all. never, ever,ever,ever. I played with my new camera lenses and ate really yummy chocolate. with sea salt on it ^_^
salty chocolate bead today
salty chocolate bead today
Monday, December 17, 2012
Bead 503
did nothing much today. watched movies, cheesey tv shows and read comic books. I'm still recovering from the last of allergy icks, and filled the day with sweet nothings. It was a great mail day too! I purchased some t shirts and new photo phone lenses and they both came today! YAY!!!!!! I have been playing with the lenses as soon as I got them out of the packages and really love them allot!
Only thing I did was paint a ghost
the shirts will have to be shown tommorow but they are pretty freaking awesome too!
stary bead today
Only thing I did was paint a ghost
the shirts will have to be shown tommorow but they are pretty freaking awesome too!
stary bead today
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Bead 502
I haven't done much today, mostly because this morning I still had an allergic reaction due to the Hay fiasco yesterday, my lips, eyes and face were swollen and I was still beyond exhausted even though I slept allot..the one productive thing I did today was begin to paint one of my broochesbut I still haven't been able to quite pick a color...I started with green, and thought I would finally would conclude with purple...but the night is young!
so a questionably purple bead today
so a questionably purple bead today
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Bead 501
exhausted beyond words and really feeling today in the worst of ways. shopping at allot of random places for allot of random things. including hay...and today I learned that I am allergic to hay, since I was in small confinements (ie my van) for over an hour with said hay I am to the physical state in which I want someone to take me out of my misery. sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and being unable to breathe right is never any fun....I've had a headache since the trip this morning and am beyond the point of simply welcoming death.
almost black bead today in homage to my final days on earth
I'm totally being dramatic but I feel so lousy
Friday, December 14, 2012
Bead 500 ginger creatures
Spent all day with my kids. everyone passed their spelling test in the morning. my math group did very well with patterns and counting money, I read with a few students and they read back to me too. we finally finished the batch of gingerbread cookies started last week and also made delicious latkes.
all and all a great day, I've really missed my babies and love being able to spend time with them.
ginger elephant cookie bead today
all and all a great day, I've really missed my babies and love being able to spend time with them.
ginger elephant cookie bead today
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Bead 499
It was a rough day.
work on our land had to be done and pretty much the whole backyard was demolished in order to do so...everything gone. yellow bells gone. rose bushes gone. my garden gone. everything gone. I was and still am devastated. The land looked to have been bleeding almost from the deep deep carnage the dug up. I know it will eventually grow back but It hurts so much that it seem lost forever.
root bead today, I picked up so many root segments as I went out to see the carnage left over.
work on our land had to be done and pretty much the whole backyard was demolished in order to do so...everything gone. yellow bells gone. rose bushes gone. my garden gone. everything gone. I was and still am devastated. The land looked to have been bleeding almost from the deep deep carnage the dug up. I know it will eventually grow back but It hurts so much that it seem lost forever.
root bead today, I picked up so many root segments as I went out to see the carnage left over.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Bead 498
its 12-12-12 people are freaking out about it. I get it, its cool "last one in your lifetime" thingy majjigy. But whateves I was planning to make today great regardless of the date on the calender.
Today was my celebration-adventure day with a good buddy of mine. there was set plans but egh life has a way of muffing some things up.
we first set off to my home towns first designer toy art show at a local gallery, unfortunately when we showed up there it was a ghost town and no one had there act together enough to have the doors unlocked, even after we talked to a receptionist in another gallery they still didn't help or even bother to pretend to ask that portion of the adventure was postponed. It mad me so SAD that I was sooo freaking close, yet so far away at the same time. As we trudged back to the car I had to pause afew times to wail in my misery.
after that we went to the comic book store to uplift our spirits (even though the non-gallery tour really brought us down) and it did for the most part, as I was paying I got caught in the witty banter between the cashier and a fellow patron behind me in line...long story short he (the cashier) asked if I could stab the dude in the leg with a pen. weird I know.
then brunch!egh we went to an okay restaurant. it was so so.
next the craft store! where are spirits were lifted again and where I got some cool stuff for "work" and some cool stuff for future projects too. then since we were in the area we got slushies ^_^ we were in a shopping center and it was freezing cold but still we wanted something cold. a cop (whom was awkwardly parked on the side walk in front of a store) apparently overheard my friends' and my quandary on whether to get ice cream or slushies and teased me for wanting something cold even though it was freezing out and the fact that I was putting on as many layers as I could to stay warm. It was super weird since we didn't know him from adam and that he was pretty far away from us when we were talking, but what is life?
It was an eventful and pretty good day
tiny 12 bead today
Today was my celebration-adventure day with a good buddy of mine. there was set plans but egh life has a way of muffing some things up.
we first set off to my home towns first designer toy art show at a local gallery, unfortunately when we showed up there it was a ghost town and no one had there act together enough to have the doors unlocked, even after we talked to a receptionist in another gallery they still didn't help or even bother to pretend to ask that portion of the adventure was postponed. It mad me so SAD that I was sooo freaking close, yet so far away at the same time. As we trudged back to the car I had to pause afew times to wail in my misery.
after that we went to the comic book store to uplift our spirits (even though the non-gallery tour really brought us down) and it did for the most part, as I was paying I got caught in the witty banter between the cashier and a fellow patron behind me in line...long story short he (the cashier) asked if I could stab the dude in the leg with a pen. weird I know.
then brunch!egh we went to an okay restaurant. it was so so.
next the craft store! where are spirits were lifted again and where I got some cool stuff for "work" and some cool stuff for future projects too. then since we were in the area we got slushies ^_^ we were in a shopping center and it was freezing cold but still we wanted something cold. a cop (whom was awkwardly parked on the side walk in front of a store) apparently overheard my friends' and my quandary on whether to get ice cream or slushies and teased me for wanting something cold even though it was freezing out and the fact that I was putting on as many layers as I could to stay warm. It was super weird since we didn't know him from adam and that he was pretty far away from us when we were talking, but what is life?
It was an eventful and pretty good day
tiny 12 bead today
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Bead 497
Okay my first day of break has been manic as all get out, this was a continuation of last nights mania despite being freakishly exhausted I was still bouncing the walls over the ecstasy of not being in school anymore. I woke up pretty early this morning and prepared beef stew in the crock pot to cook low and slow all day long. after that I pretty much played and fiddled around.
I: cleaned my room, cleaned up my new creature shelf, finished a sculpture, and of course the stew.
so pretty productive day for a kind of day in which i really didn't have to do anything.
and tomorrow is going to be even better a buddy and I are doing some hard core adventuring and celebrating.. but you'll just have to wait till then to find out.
cuttlefish colored bead today, thats the sculpture I finally finished!
I: cleaned my room, cleaned up my new creature shelf, finished a sculpture, and of course the stew.
so pretty productive day for a kind of day in which i really didn't have to do anything.
and tomorrow is going to be even better a buddy and I are doing some hard core adventuring and celebrating.. but you'll just have to wait till then to find out.
cuttlefish colored bead today, thats the sculpture I finally finished!
Monday, December 10, 2012
Bead 496
so the last exam wasn't anything close to how horrible I thought it would be, of course that was to be expected but still it was quite a welcome surprise. The morning was spent sleeping and moping and just watching trash TV and movies. after the exams tacos! to the exam I brought my ghost pins on a leather cuff and I also took a little bag of random comfort objects including but not limited to: a narwhal, a paint chip, a paper clip, a piece of cotton fabric, a small hunk of leather and some other odd bits...yes I know I'm insane. I need and love comfort objects, that's me...yeah.
I also got my makeup paper back today and I did very well on it he loved my illustration page and even gave me a tiny smiley face!
so a tiny smiley bead today
I also got my makeup paper back today and I did very well on it he loved my illustration page and even gave me a tiny smiley face!
so a tiny smiley bead today
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Bead 495
I'm tired and have been sobbing pretty much for the past hour and a half.
I freaked out like major...over what you ask? a calculator.
yes seriously a calculator.
I have my last and most difficult exam tomorrow, and I'm scared.
I know for a fact all i can do is try my best, but it doesn't help when all I have is my anxiety an worry in my belly and mind.
I really tired myself out with my meltdown......
but luckily have a nice friend that's going to loan me hers
anxious looking bead today
good vibes or prayers would be greatly appreciated.
I freaked out like major...over what you ask? a calculator.
yes seriously a calculator.
I have my last and most difficult exam tomorrow, and I'm scared.
I know for a fact all i can do is try my best, but it doesn't help when all I have is my anxiety an worry in my belly and mind.
I really tired myself out with my meltdown......
but luckily have a nice friend that's going to loan me hers
anxious looking bead today
good vibes or prayers would be greatly appreciated.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Bead 494
pretty nice day.
yummy breakfast with mama and I.
laundry mat...wasn't so fun but our water is still on the Fritz for now, so it was needed.
after laundry we found (thanks to my dad) an awesome estate sale where I got a cool shelf, jars, a future table, and allot of nick-nacks all for 9$
ugh seriously awesome deal?
and the cherry on top of the day was receiving my AMAZING ghost pins
from Sawdust bear ( aka Shing Yin Khor) they arrived so freakishly fast especially for this time of year so it was a total surprise to see the package in the mailbox today ^_^
they were both a bit apprehensive about getting out of the bubble wrap but I was able to eventually to talk them out and even got to take one on a field trip to the grocery store for a mushroom run!
I love them both so dearly and need to give them names soon..any suggestions??
welp my bead is the color of them because they are so cool and awesome and did I mention I love them?
yummy breakfast with mama and I.
laundry mat...wasn't so fun but our water is still on the Fritz for now, so it was needed.
after laundry we found (thanks to my dad) an awesome estate sale where I got a cool shelf, jars, a future table, and allot of nick-nacks all for 9$
ugh seriously awesome deal?
and the cherry on top of the day was receiving my AMAZING ghost pins
from Sawdust bear ( aka Shing Yin Khor) they arrived so freakishly fast especially for this time of year so it was a total surprise to see the package in the mailbox today ^_^
they were both a bit apprehensive about getting out of the bubble wrap but I was able to eventually to talk them out and even got to take one on a field trip to the grocery store for a mushroom run!
I love them both so dearly and need to give them names soon..any suggestions??
welp my bead is the color of them because they are so cool and awesome and did I mention I love them?
Friday, December 7, 2012
Bead 493
very very very tired and sore.
Today was the first day in a really long time that I was able to go to work and help with my moms class and boy was it work! I ended up helping a heck of allot more then an assigned sub that showed up and really had a challenging but pretty good day. (un)fortunately immediately after that work day ended my mom and I hat to migrate across town to help mix batches of cookie dough for the local blood mobile.....ugh I made at least 8 triple batches of dough and my hands still wreak of it (even though I've washed my hands numerous times since) on the bright side I was able to make a monetary donation for some fresh home made butter and I got almost 2 dozen free range eggs and a glorious home grown broccoli floret for free from one of the other "mixers"
I also got my new favorite shirt in the mail today! made by fellow hippies and it shall be thoroughly loved forever!!!
blocko' butter bead today
Today was the first day in a really long time that I was able to go to work and help with my moms class and boy was it work! I ended up helping a heck of allot more then an assigned sub that showed up and really had a challenging but pretty good day. (un)fortunately immediately after that work day ended my mom and I hat to migrate across town to help mix batches of cookie dough for the local blood mobile.....ugh I made at least 8 triple batches of dough and my hands still wreak of it (even though I've washed my hands numerous times since) on the bright side I was able to make a monetary donation for some fresh home made butter and I got almost 2 dozen free range eggs and a glorious home grown broccoli floret for free from one of the other "mixers"
I also got my new favorite shirt in the mail today! made by fellow hippies and it shall be thoroughly loved forever!!!
blocko' butter bead today
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Bead 492 MAIL DAY ^_^
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE mail. and have since I was a child especially fun packages like the things I have been purchasing lately ^_^ finally got a majority of my packages including my yarn, needles and cool ring (and of course my finn headphones yesterday)
I'm so very happy with everything and for the most part was in need of what I've been getting.
todays bead was made from some of my new yarn
![]() |
my new ring! |
todays bead was made from some of my new yarn
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Bead 491 finn-ish day
as you all know I am an adventure time fanatic, like seriously hardcore junkie
so I ended up making a mind creature based off the character finn
super cute. and I also cleaned my desk, room, and a few other smigums here and there
I finally got my new headphones in the mail ^_^
I got them an sale during black friday
finn hat bead today
so I ended up making a mind creature based off the character finn
super cute. and I also cleaned my desk, room, and a few other smigums here and there
I finally got my new headphones in the mail ^_^
I got them an sale during black friday
finn hat bead today
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