Wednesday, August 10, 2011

First week and first blog post!

Hi my name is mireya, welcome to my little blog. I began this 365 project last week but didnt quite have the blog up to my standards yet so .. here i am now ,a smidge late but i think you all will forgive me.

My "RULES" for the blog are as follows:
1. I must create a bead a day for at least a year
2. I must post it (or at least attempt to) everyday
3. I am not allowed to work on any previous beads, because like in life your not able to change the past
4. I am not allowed to work on the next days bead, i am a worrier (particularly about the future) so i cant control the future of the beads life just like i cant control my own.

Now back to the fun stuff last weeks beads

1 .was my first day simple and pure. the color of camels, carmel and my mamas eyes.

2. was made with hand dyed wool (using Kool-Aid) fruit punch my favorite flavor.

3. was made with an aqua yarn and more hand dyed wool lime Kool-Aid this time (yuck!) but pretty color though.

4. is a tomato shaped bead i was inspired by some that i had bought at the local farmers market that morning also made with hand dyed wool.

Arnt the beautiful?

5. was a sparkely day and a special yarn made from recycled saris was in order. i have been holding that in my incredibly special yarn stash (that im usally too scared to use, in fear thet i will mess it up).

6. was a gray icky day

7. And last but not least my sheep... it was on okay day but made much better with a funny looking sheep.

Hope you enjoyed this and i promise that i will give much better detailed photos of the individual beads as they come.


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