Yay!! Happy tuesday!!!! The morning was pretty sucky and filled with glazing my second piece and getting creeped out but luckily the day improved, my one class went by sort of fast-ish...well faster then usual. Went out for Indian food at lunch time with a friend ( awesome!). Mustered some slight motivation to sew and go out for coffee later on in the afternoon with another buddy. Then by the time I got home my family had decided to go out for tacos ^_^
I feel really happy about my accomplishments today and am loving feeling creative again
Tomorrow is my day off and I hope to be able to let this creativity free!
Cheery green bead today
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Bead 636
Mondays...the most difficult day of the week to get through...but I did with out too much drama/ Ill fated shenanigans, most of my day in fact was spent glazing my sculptures even more and getting them prepped for the kiln, it was a ton of work but I've fully glazed my large first sculpture and the faces that came off with its first firing, all the babies for the second sculpture and at least the first layer on the teenage creature I made that was a casualty in the kiln due to an exploded sculpture next to it...still haven't 100% figured out how to fix it but I will have everything glazed and just go from there I guess?
The babies and fallen faces are already loaded in one of the indoor kilns, I usually get kicked out to the really large outdoor kilns because my pieces are always the biggest in the class...oops! Well I guess I play for keeps with everything?
Anyways yay for glazing! After that pretty much an uneventful day, went home, took a shower to get the thin film of glaze I had managed to get all over my body, brinner, slept unintentially for 3 hours or so when I was meaning to stay awake and work on artwork......boo....I'm not a fan of naps in the least but I'm pretty exhausted from the day I had and really, really didn't mean to sleep, oh well!
Glaze colored bead today
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Bead 635
![]() |
final progress on my paintings today |
I had a pretty okay day myself made some progress on my sewing project and started two more little oil paintings, I really love the richness with colors with oils, I just hate how long they take to dry
but can't win with everything I guess?
main colors used today were fuchsia( with my sewing project) and a cerulean blue (for paintings)
so fuchsia and cerulean artsy bead today
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Bead 634
Ended up having a much better day today! Yay!!!
-Exam finished in the morning
-A few yard sales after that, not many but I did get a lightbox for 3$ and afew other things here and there
-monster doodling
-Tacos for lunch
-Spur of the moment painting
And most of all a greater disposition then yesterday, sorry for that I get weird when I'm tired...
I feel so much better with one less thing on my plate and slowly feel as if I am getting my "color" back...only a week and a half till I'm out of school ^_^
"color" bead today
-Exam finished in the morning
-A few yard sales after that, not many but I did get a lightbox for 3$ and afew other things here and there
-monster doodling
-Tacos for lunch
-Spur of the moment painting
And most of all a greater disposition then yesterday, sorry for that I get weird when I'm tired...
I feel so much better with one less thing on my plate and slowly feel as if I am getting my "color" back...only a week and a half till I'm out of school ^_^
"color" bead today
Bead 633
finally starting to get un-sad about today, I didn't have a bad day per say
It was my mental health day today but I just didn't feel well and ended up beating myself up for whatever I possibly could today...so that wasn't too good
I did finish a project today though
finished project bead today
It was my mental health day today but I just didn't feel well and ended up beating myself up for whatever I possibly could today...so that wasn't too good
I did finish a project today though
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Bead 631
sleepy, okay day longish but I got my:
presentation done and got an A on it
class crud finished for the week
almost got my whole first ceramics piece glazed
the main part of the day was that and listening to an awful lecture on camels, horses and goats...because I'm totally going to need to know things of that in my life...
camel and schmuts bead today
presentation done and got an A on it
class crud finished for the week
almost got my whole first ceramics piece glazed
the main part of the day was that and listening to an awful lecture on camels, horses and goats...because I'm totally going to need to know things of that in my life...
camel and schmuts bead today
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Bead 630
okay day...was kind of sore and achy, its gotten cold again so my poor fibromyalgia-y body doesn't know what on earth to do...felt like just a flesh lump...doodled it too...im really tired of being sick...I'll be okay eventually and get over my anima, that's the main thing bumming me out...
flesh lump bead today
flesh lump bead today
Monday, April 22, 2013
Bead 629
Sleepy, had a semi tumultuous day
My sculpture got partially ruined because the sculpture beside mine in the kiln exploded and took mine out as collateral damage...that bummed me out...
Had to go out in the boonies to buy glazes...ended up spending 61$...pretty much all my money from my sold pieces....
Felt gross and found out that I'm anemic for like the 4th time this year...
but It'll be okay
got martin hairy bottom in the mail today
martin hairy bottom stash bead today
My sculpture got partially ruined because the sculpture beside mine in the kiln exploded and took mine out as collateral damage...that bummed me out...
Had to go out in the boonies to buy glazes...ended up spending 61$...pretty much all my money from my sold pieces....
Felt gross and found out that I'm anemic for like the 4th time this year...
but It'll be okay
got martin hairy bottom in the mail today
martin hairy bottom stash bead today
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Bead 628
Pretty good day, fatigue has unfortunately consumed most of it, but not all, I still managed to go to a local artist meeting and have a good time there, turn in some finished artwork for an indie market we're doing and to get home and paint a bit on some more stuff for the booth...finally had a cascarones fight (almost a month after Easter)....basically all my day...
completed cerulean blue bead today, was so stoaked to have finished things! cerulean is the color of the background of the finished painting I turned in..
completed cerulean blue bead today, was so stoaked to have finished things! cerulean is the color of the background of the finished painting I turned in..
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Bead 627
So so so lumping tired! But I had a very good day! Figured out my prototype and about halfway finished with it, convinced myself to go to a record show.
I had one piece in the show, and it sold!! Yay!! It was a person that I know but still yay!
Super tired but feeling quite creative and much more positive about my art work
Trying to get some painting done tonight...
It was going okay for awhile but I've gotten to the point that I'm nodding off with a brush in my hand....
bright bead, I feel really bright (minus exhaustion) and it also matches my pallet tonight!
I had one piece in the show, and it sold!! Yay!! It was a person that I know but still yay!
Super tired but feeling quite creative and much more positive about my art work
Trying to get some painting done tonight...
It was going okay for awhile but I've gotten to the point that I'm nodding off with a brush in my hand....
bright bead, I feel really bright (minus exhaustion) and it also matches my pallet tonight!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Bead 626
Very very tired...been semi productive with doodling monsters, sculpting, actually being able to cook supper...and just motivating myself to continue forth into these next few days.
the house smells like curry and I still have some monsters in my brain that I would like to get out....tomorrow!
curry and monster colored bead today
have a glorious weekend my dears! I know I'm going to try!!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Bead 625
well I got through today, wasn't too bad and wasn't that great either typical Thursday hump and wishing it were Friday
tired...trying to get some homework done tonight and I have a quiz and exam tomorrow, so not the best way to begin a Friday
Thursday monster colored bead
tired...trying to get some homework done tonight and I have a quiz and exam tomorrow, so not the best way to begin a Friday
Thursday monster colored bead
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
bead 624
hanging out with homie after school, awesome!
testing and cleaning some in the workspace...meh...happy with the slight progress but still super tired from today.
tester bead today
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Bead 623
not a bad day...super super super sleepy though
I was able to go home early,
got farther on a new drawing
start and figure out some new sewing endeavors
super bright!! ^_^
sewing endeavor bead today
Monday, April 15, 2013
Bead 622
but luckily I stood strong till I got home and ended up having a great mail day
new stocking
and my awesome center for otherworldly science stuff
black and white awesomeness came so black and white bead for today!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Bead 621
spring has officially sprung...and so have my allergies...boo...
had to spend all day indoors because the pollen count was so freakishly high
half the day was being a lump, the other half was occupied by attempting to be creative and actually getting some art work done, not that I've been lazy artwork wise I'm just trying to pace myself with the cool stuff I've got planned so I can actually enjoy it and have it be a treat for me.
artful allergy bead today (basically a mish mosh of colors I've used today)
had to spend all day indoors because the pollen count was so freakishly high
half the day was being a lump, the other half was occupied by attempting to be creative and actually getting some art work done, not that I've been lazy artwork wise I'm just trying to pace myself with the cool stuff I've got planned so I can actually enjoy it and have it be a treat for me.
artful allergy bead today (basically a mish mosh of colors I've used today)
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Bead 620
I am happy to report that I am the proud owner of a pretty fantastic day! ^_^ very much needed and appreciated. Most of it was spent out and about either thrifing, dropping off artwork and checking on some pieces at a local coffee shop. My mom and I found some pretty cool things thrifing but mainly from yard sales is where we got a majority of our haul. I dropped off my piece of work, and checked out how my artwork was doing at the coffee shop, one of my pieces has already been sold! Yay!!!
This one to be specific
Cleaned and found some much needed supplies for an upcoming project and had a "genius" idea for a little creature series...I hope it'll be awesome!
I hope y'all are having a great weekend
Creature-y bead today
I finally feel like I'm getting my creatures and creativity with my own work back ^_^ hope that'll mean better beads too...
Friday, April 12, 2013
Bead 619
Hi there,
I'm sorry for the zombyish post lately (especially yesterday) but you'll be happy to know that I finally got some much needed sleep beyond my usual 2 hours, ten to be specific! And I feel a million times better. Not a bad day, a little worrisome at times but luckily everything worked itself out. Finished my sculpting project and got one more scheduling issue taken care of, so I'm slowly getting back where I feel like I need to be and finally feeling like a person again (and not a soulless wanderer floating from place to place.I even started a new fun just-for-cause-it'll-be-fun-to-do-something-that-I-want-to-do-not-what-I'm-being-told-I-have-to-do project! I know long title but its the truth...I'm sewing for it ^__^ and begin prototypes for it too!
Sewn fun bead today!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Bead 618
I don't know how my day went honestly, I need sleep am already crawling in bed 3 or 4 hours earlier then normal. I'm sick and very tired, I don't know how I feel and I don't know how I've gotten through these past few days and weeks. I'm really sorry that I've been a total zombie here and have either been posting things like this or very average things, I'm really tired and just trying to get through the semester in one piece and the world seems to have plans on making that difficult for me. I've been so sleep deprived I'm to the point of either feeling nothing or every emotion I can physically have all at once. I've pushed myself really hard and have been so critical of me lately that a breaking point was bound to happen sooner or later...don't know if I've hit it yet or if I'm still getting there...
todays bead is made from the first wool I saw as I got in
I'm going to sleep, sorry, I hope tomorrow will better for all of us...
todays bead is made from the first wool I saw as I got in
I'm going to sleep, sorry, I hope tomorrow will better for all of us...
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
bead 617
today was far too dramatic, mainly from my own bidding...I'm tired, and mentally and physically it has finally caught up with me.
I was pretty good at school till around 11, I slowly started to get to the precipice of just quitting, like hardcore no joke drop out of art school, become a hobo selling my art and soul on the side of the road....didn't help my mental status a bit that I also feel like crap. on my second or third cold of the semester and have had a low grade fever off and on for the past week, didn't start bothering me till today though...boo...
pink and gray bead today
tomorrow is bound to be better
I was pretty good at school till around 11, I slowly started to get to the precipice of just quitting, like hardcore no joke drop out of art school, become a hobo selling my art and soul on the side of the road....didn't help my mental status a bit that I also feel like crap. on my second or third cold of the semester and have had a low grade fever off and on for the past week, didn't start bothering me till today though...boo...
pink and gray bead today
tomorrow is bound to be better
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Bead 616
I love toys....this is not an unbelievable statement coming from me I know but I feel like it should be stated...
got this glorious dude today from an awesome artist and friend!
^____^ sparkles!! it absolutely made my day a million times better, I mean look at that face!!!!
sparkles bead today
got this glorious dude today from an awesome artist and friend!
^____^ sparkles!! it absolutely made my day a million times better, I mean look at that face!!!!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Bead 615
not a bad day....for a Monday...
mainly sculpted today
I got a plush labbit in the mail too!!
labbit colored bead today
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Bead 614
Not a bad day just kind of coughy, this cough hasn't escalated too much so I'm happy...I had a difficult start in the morning but other that that okay.
Went back to that one estate sale, got some pretty awesome stuff, no pictures though...I forgot...oops!
one of the cooler things I got was a sewn "painting" with horses..I plan to PLAY with it more!!!
antique colored bead

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