Saturday, September 29, 2012

Bead 424

today has been super freakishly rainy and gross outside. but despite that my family and I were able to be a little bit of successful at wheeling and dealing in the small amount of yard sales that were still on despite the weather. just mama and I went thrift store shopping in the early morning and I managed to find a beautiful complete mushroom tea set, it was individually priced initially but we managed to convince a really nice man at the store to price it as a set, it came down to nine dollars but by the time we left (after picking up afew other odds and ends) the grand total was 13.45, which essentially I got for free since I found a gift card to the store in my wallet!
other wise all our fam went to a few muddy-muggy strangers properties, bought randomly cool things and hauled it off their land. My pile included a nice old heavy chest (that I will have to completely strip and refurnish), three huge old bowls, an old hand made wooden lamp (that again I will have to fix since its super old).
those are the things I can remember....
the rest of the day was spent loafing, including the bunnies
little brown mushroom bead today

super awesome things are coming tommorow! ....just warning, brace yourself...

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